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Work Injury Care
Here at The Posture Lounge, we aim to heal those injured through work holistically so that they can return to a healthy, pain-free lifestyle. We have a different perspective on work-related injuries than that of a traditional doctor. No matter how seemingly small, work-related injuries can cause major disruption emotionally, physically, and financially as well.
Most occupations requires someone to do the same repetitive movements as part of their jobs. Whether it be typing on your computer or perhaps construction work, these repetitive motions, over time, causes stress injuries. Due to the gradual and slow increase in manage through these repetitive movements, these injuries are hard to diagnose right away. However, these types of injuries are some of the most common work-related injury we treat at The Posture Lounge.
Dependant on your condition and unique individual needs, we offer a variety of treatment options, custom tailored to you in our care plan.