Sports and a Healthy Lifestyle

Sports injuries happen, even to professionals! Sports and exercise are a cost-effective way to maintain your health and strengthen your bones and muscles, but with this comes the simple fact that you find yourself injured in some way while partaking in your favorite sport or workout routine.

Some of the most frequent sports injuries we see at The Posture lounge are Strains, Sprains, Tendinosis, and Stress Fractures. When you overwork your body, you are prone to inflammation and injuries. Repetitive actions in sports such as pitching or even golf can cause stress from repetition, which may eventually lead to an injury if not managed.

Your medical advisors may issue an X-ray or MRI to diagnose your injury and provide a treatment plan, here at The Posture Lounge, we always start your treatment with an X-ray in office to determine the best approach to helping you return to your sports in the safest way possible.



